Wholesale Insight

New Call-to-action First Insight Launches InsightSuite for Wholesale


Put your best assortment forward.

A major challenge you face as a wholesaler is how to set your line apart from your competitors'. You are all vying for a finite bucket of open-to-buy spend. How can you be sure you are presenting the right mix of styles, colors, and attributes at a cost that will drive maximum bookings?


How? Arm your Sales Team with
Customer-Driven Insights


Understand how specific products - including your competitors' - will perform in your target retailer. Build optimal assortments to maximize bookings and minimize vendor allowances.


Create your smart, customer-driven line sheet. Confidently present the assortment that will resonate best with your retailer's customers, including recommendations for key items and assortment builders and how to market, display, and promote them.
