Why Our Customers Choose First Insight

We deliver proven results and actionable insights to help our customers achieve more profitable operations, create elevated assortments, and gain market share. 



Industry-Leading Technology

First Insight has led the voice-of-customer predictive analytics in the retail industry for well over a decade. Hundreds of enterprises use our platform to decide on product and service offerings, new product pricing, branding, and marketing.

We work with small, digitally-native companies to some of the largest businesses in the world. With First Insight, you benefit from the collective experience of all of our customers and can take confidence in knowing you are working with the industry leader.

Actionable Data

Our digital product testing platform delivers predictive results, by target segment, on future solutions and options. We provide data to answer your specific questions and address key trade-offs. We don’t just extrapolate results from unstructured data that you hope will answer your question. With our clear results visualization and customizable dashboards and reports, any user can view the results they need – from strategic planning to development, sales operations, marketing and customer service. Most important, First Insight’s platform automatically tracks the value delivered. Decisions made using the data can be recorded so you can see the direct impact to your business

Proven ROI

First Insight is one of the only experience management platforms to provide a quantified ROI driven by decisions made from the results delivered by our voice of the customer analysis tools. Our customer success professionals work with your team to ensure the solution fits within your processes and is adopted appropriately. Their focus is on your success.

Speed & Scale

First Insight’s retail technology platform works at enterprise speed and scale. Actionable results are available from as few as 150-200 respondents in less than 24 hours – much faster and less expensive than other solutions. With First Insight, you can be operational at scale across multiple functional teams in a matter of weeks. Our cloud-based platform can streamline workflows through systems integrations, and scales from handfuls to thousands of users and concepts tested. As your business grows, we grow with you.

A Better Signal

We don’t tell you what is wrong after the fact – we let you anticipate which offerings are best. First Insight is the only solution that uses Bayesian modeling (in addition to sentiment, ratings, rankings, and NLP) to provide forward-looking results for future options. First Insight analyzes both structured and unstructured data about your next initiative or offering – helping you create the products and experiences that your customers value.


Start at Any Level & Expand

First Insight is easy to use and implement — small businesses start with a few tests, while large enterprises can test tens of thousands of items across the customer journey. Both self-service and full-service models are offered. No integration or IT footprint is necessary to get started. When integration is desired, First Insight’s platform offers APIs to integrate to business intelligence, PLM, 3D CAD, ERP, Pricing and CRM Systems. The result is a seamless, frictionless process for bringing voice-of-the-customer inputs to decisions across the lifecycle.


Reach: Global & Mobile

First Insight brings voice-of-the-customer inputs from around the globe to your critical experience management decisions. We test concepts throughout North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Latin America. Our solution is localized so that it captures the customer’s voice in dozens of countries, languages, and currencies throughout the world. InsightSUITE provides an integrated, global view from a single dashboard, showing predictive item performance by region or country, along with rankings, comments, and sentiment. With our mobile app, you can access your First Insight data from anywhere – in meetings, on the road, or while working from home.



solutions strategy thumbnail image Strategy & Planning

Optimize key strategy and planning decisions by leveraging focused consumer insights.

solutions design thumbnail image Design, Merchandising, & Sourcing

Guide your product development and selection with powerful consumer data.

solutions pricing thumbnail image Pricing

The world’s only solution that provides a forward-looking demand curve for new products.

solutions supply chain thumbnail image Supply Chain

De-risk your supply chain by optimizing your assortments based on consumer demand data.

solutions marekting thumbnail image Marketing & Selling

Increase conversion rates, drive more sell-in, and target the ideal retail channels for your products.



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Don't take our word for it; here's what experts have to say. As the pioneer of voice of customer software for retail, First Insight has consistently been recognized by the world’s leading analyst firms for over 15 years. 

First Insight Listed in Gartner’s Retail Assortment Optimization Applications in Merchandising Market Guide.
First Insight Named a Major Player by IDC in MarketScape for Worldwide B2C Retail Price Optimization
First Insight Named as Sample Vendor by Forrester in Tech Tide™: AI and Analytics for Retail​

Ready to see our industry-leading tools in action?