New Study Shows Female British Consumers are not as 'Woke' as Their US Counterparts

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Responses to offensive product launches are gender-and market-specific, with more women than men expecting immediate action in both the US and UK, according to a recent survey from First Insight.

LONDON, United Kingdom —  When it comes to diversity and inclusion, consumers are holding brands to account with increasing scrutiny — the past 12 months alone are a testament to this. However, new data reveals that there are gender- and market-based nuances underlying this progressive consumer sentiment.

According to a study by merchandising firm First Insight, only 39 percent of women in the UK view female and minority representation in brand leadership positions important compared to 43 percent of men, while 48 percent of women see the benefit of retailers hiring chief diversity officers, compared to 55 percent of men.

Men and women in the United States, conversely, are largely aligned on the importance of diversity and inclusion in brands. Roughly half of both men and women in the US consider it important to have women and minorities in positions of leadership. The same proportion also feels that retailers and brands would stand to benefit from hiring chief diversity officers.

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Department Store  retailers  Amazon  Gender Differences in Retail  Mobile Shopping  online shopping  shopping habits  diversity  Chief Diversity Officer  Chief Inclusion Officer  offensive products  U.S.  U.K.  Inclusion