The secrets to customer-centric business

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Barbour UK MD Ryan Llewellyn-Pace, Seasalt CEO Paul Hayes and Greg Petro, president and CEO of First Insight, shared their advice on building a customer-centric business at today's Drapers Fashion Forum.

First Insight’s Petro told delegates that detailing in customer profiles has become much more minute. 

“You need to figure out what customers want on individualised or micro-category bases, and roll it up globally to give you a view of what your success model could be,” he said. 

“It’s now physchographically and behaviourally grouped, rather than by age etc,” he added. “Fragmentation of the market is occurring at a much faster rate, and you need to understand what the consumer values within your product.” 

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Customer Experience  Drapers  customer-centric merchandising  customer focus