The New Male Power Shoppers

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totalretailDespite conventional wisdom to the contrary, men are shopping both online and in-stores at higher rates than women. As discovered in First Insight’s latest consumer survey, The Rise of the New Male Power Shopper, men are bucking long-believed trends surrounding shopping habits. Men are more frequently shopping across all major channels both online and in-store, and are catching up to women in terms of making purchases from mobile phones.

Retailers and marketers should take note of these surprising results. This contradiction of age-old gender stereotypes may have major implications in the retail industry, where understanding the target audience and how technology is integrated into retail is key. It’s crucial to properly target and reach men, who are now being acknowledged as 2019’s power shoppers, through product selection, pricing and promotions.

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Survey Results  consumer study  consumer behavior  male shopping patterns  the rise of the male power shopper  total retail